Question: 1 / 50

Before applying the shampoo, loosen dandruff by:

oiling the scalp

massaging the scalp

Before applying the shampoo, it is important to loosen dandruff so it can be easily washed away. Out of the given options, only massaging the scalp can help loosen dandruff effectively. Oiling the scalp, steaming the scalp, and heating the scalp do not have the same effect and may even worsen the dandruff. Oiling the scalp can create a build-up of oil and dead skin cells, making it harder to remove the dandruff. Steaming and heating the scalp can cause the scalp to become too dry, leading to more dandruff. Therefore, massaging the scalp is the best option for loosening dandruff before applying shampoo.

steaming the scalp

heating the scalp


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